Wednesday, January 30, 2008

remember, remember the 5th of Nov. ((2))

On November the fifth, the citizens of London were going about their enforced lives by the government, had they voiced their opinions openly, they would have been prosecuted. On this day, V gave London the biggest reality check of their lives. In the middle of the day, interrupting everyone’s government approved programs was how V decided to commemorate the fifth of November. He wanted to embed the knowledge of corruption that has been led into their lives. This is where V decided to sit down and have a “little chat.”
This “little chat” symbolized a need for an awaking of the people’s eyes to the governmental controls and dictatorship at the time. V would successfully bring this out by exposing Parliament’s ways to the people. With his discussions, he belittled the government by saying “there is something terribly wrong with this country” setting the tone. Due to the vocal uprising, it’s suspected that the government will retaliate with brute force. Although the uprising believes that words of truth will carry more weight over time than the use of brute force.
Through his vocal uprising he enlightened the people on how this happened and who is to blame, which all indications showed it being in their control. On the other hand, he indicated during his speech that he understood the fears and problems they faced. He understood the promises made by the High Chancellor Adam Sutler that were not followed through.
Last night, on his own, his silent awareness moved to the next level of retaliation. He goes on to state in his speech that the people “see what I see, is you feel as I feel, and is you seek as I seek,” they would join in the uprising. V sought to become what one citizen did more than four hundred years ago. “His hopes,” he states, “ was to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more than words – they are perspectives.” By gathering everything he has and the hope that others will follow, he will give Parliament a fifth of November no one will ever forget.


Mr. Hughes said...

Use block format when posting to the internet.

--no need to evaluate your experience analyzing the speech
--as i mentioned in my email, avoid walking your audience through your thought process and avoid including yourself in the analysis of the text
--no need to use the word "paragraphs" as your organizing basis since this is a speech
--the phrase "the first paragraph was evaluation" is rigid
--"connecting to his audience" does not mean that he is evaluating anything or anyone; did you mean to say that he was establishing ethos?
--you say pathos but I think you mean ethos

--the mere mentioning of the word "guilty" may not qualify the argument as forensic; more explanation and justification is needed here

--never begin a para. with a quotation. always write your topic sentence first
--very rigid para. you reflect the "shopping list effect" here; it's as if you're making decisions at a supermarket and making your audience aware that you've consulted several shoppers about what you should purchase

--"callous" is not synonymous with "difficult," it's synonymous with "insensitive" or "hardened heart" (not "hard" as in "difficult")

FINAL THOUGHTS: work on becoming more fluid in your writing. also, you should have mentioned V's tone; i do not see a discussion of tone.